After living in the so called salad bowl for nearly five years I still cannot believe how any things there are out here that I have not seen. and if you think you have done every single thing that can be done in the Monterey County I am sorry but I really doubt it. all you need to do is go to any hotel and look for the rack full of flyers and different business advertisement. it seems as if this place is not as boring as it is! I guess you just need to get out there, and have money, and lots of it!
But besides that dreading fact; I finally attended to
Streets of Bethlehem, which I have been trying to go for years, but for some reason I either forget or go when they're already closing, but not this year! And for my surprise they surpassed my expectations. I was waiting to simply see the story of Jesus but instead they do show you the story, but they pack some sweet information and reenactments on how people lived on this times.