
Once again

Another one semi done. I will have to comeback to it latter to know.




or maybe... I don't know I'll come back to it in a couple months


Body Worlds Vital

Finally after years of wanting to see Body Worlds. The waiting was more than worth it. It was probably one of the most amazing and disturbing things I've seen in my life. At first it's hard to realize due to the fascination of the human body. But the more you look into the faces and eyes you realize they are real dead people! and it just made me wonder who they were, or how they died. I don't know.. a little info would of been nice, but it would of made it creepier. Unfortunately taking pictures wasn't allowed so I had to take shitty pictures. GO!

While in the Tech Museum I realized robots could draw.

And a little walking...



I have to go to this!


Healthiest ramen I've ever made.


via BBC

Sketchbook Sessions 6

I realize I have no artistic aesthetic whatsoever anymore... and I'm content.



Finally, Emily stepping it up..

I've notice I like everything that is slow motion, even if it's long boarding. kinda


Need to stop fucking around and get shit done... but once again I need to chew some more.
I don't know.. so far I'm kinda satisfied. 


"New Mexico remix"

Worth every single second of it..


Semester is pretty much over two more finals today and ready for Christmas break.





We are turning Asian.




and on to the next one...

The Selby

I still can't believe I was oblivious to The Selby.


BMX day?

Once again. Nigel in Japan. What else can you ask for?


Gotta love that slow motion. I am not really into BMX, but when I come around videos like this theres just not enough words to explain how much inspiration I get out of this. 



Finally finished eating the vegan pizza. those two hours full annoying preparatives were worth every single second. the before looks better than the after. Homemade sauce and crust with vegan cheese, soyrizo, tofu, pineapple, pepper, and mushrooms...


After living in the so called salad bowl for nearly five years I still cannot believe how any things there are out here that I have not seen. and if you think you have done every single thing that can be done in the Monterey County I am sorry but I really doubt it. all you need to do is go to any hotel and look for the rack full of flyers and different business advertisement. it seems as if this place is not as boring as it is! I guess you just need to get out there, and have money, and lots of it!
But besides that dreading fact; I finally attended to Streets of Bethlehem, which I have been trying to go for years, but for some reason I either forget or go when they're already closing, but not this year! And for my surprise they surpassed my expectations. I was waiting to simply see the story of Jesus but instead they do show you the story, but they pack some sweet information and reenactments on how people lived on this times.